Saturday, October 29, 2011
My very first Halloween costume...
I was only about three at the time, but I remember it pretty well. My mother made a cute little rabbit costume for me, and a Donald Duck one for my brother. She dressed herself as Zorro, and my father went as a woman (first and only time I've ever seen my dad in drag--he didn't look half bad, LOL). Then we all went trick-or-treating together to the raucous amusement of the entire neighborhood. I ought to explain that my mom was a petite five-foot-two and my dad is six-foot and muscular. So, there was Zorro in "his" mask and cape, dwarfed by this big, busty femme fatale... the two of them herding around a fuzzy blue bunny and a duck in a sailor suit. Memories like that stick with a person. :-)